Motul 300V Trophy 0w40 2L

14714,00 Ft

Motul 300V Trophy 0w40
Kiemelkeden magas teljesítmény speciális versenyolaj, benzin és diesel motorokhoz.

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Cikkszám: M300VT0w40_2 Kategória:


100% synthetic racing motor oil based on ESTER Core® technology. Through technical partnerships with most prestigious Teams of car racing, MOTUL has developed a wide range of lubricants for Racing and Sport cars. The 300V motorsport line improves performance of the latest generation engines along with high protection against wear, oil pressure drop and oxidation due to high temperature.Power and protection. Medium engine dilution. 

Elsősorban rövidtávú autóversenyzéshez ajánlott. 

A jelenlenlegi előírásokat túlteljesíti.

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Tömeg 2,5 kg


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